Good Morning Men&Women of God,
Please be encouraged today,
LET MY UNFAILING LOVE be your comfort. “Comfort” eases grief and trouble; it also give strength and hope. The best source of these blessings is MY constant LOVE that will never ,ever fail you. No matter what is happening in your life, this LOVE can console you and cheer you up. However, you must make an effort to turn to ME for help. I am always accessible to you, and I delight in giving you everything you need.
I have complete, perfect understanding of you and your circumstances. My grasp of your situation is far better than yours. So beware of being overly introspective-trying to figure things out by looking inward, leaving ME out of the equation. When you realize you have done this, turn to ME with a brief prayer: “Help me, Jesus.” Remind yourself that I am the most important part of the equation of your life! Relax with ME awhile, letting MY loving PRESENCE comfort you. In the world you will have trouble; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Amen!!
Psalm 119:76; Psalm 29:11; Psalm 42:5 and John 16:33.
Have an awesome amazing blessed day on PURPOSE!
God Bless You and Your Family!
Pastor Debra
Please join God's Love Apostolic Ministries
(GLAM) Thursday from 7 to 8 pm
Call in # 857-357-0254
Mute your phone
Thank you!
God bless you!!