Good Morning Men and Women of God,
Be encouraged today.
I continually call you to closeness with Me. I know the depth and breadth of your need for Me. I can read the emptiness of your thoughts when they wander away from Me. I offer rest for your soul, as well as refreshment for your mind and body. As you increasingly find fulfillment in Me, other pleasures become less important.
Knowing Me intimately is like having a private wellspring of Joy within you. This Joy is independent of circumstances.
Waiting in MyPresence keeps you connected to Me, aware of all that I offer you. If you feel any deficiency you need to refocus your attention on Me. This is how you trust Me in the moments of your life.
Psalm 131:2; Psalm 21:6;Psalm 37:7; Jeremiah 17:7
Have an awesome amazing blessed day on purpose!
God's Love Apostolic Ministries
TONIGHT from 8 to 9 pm.
Call in # 563-999-2090
Mute your phone
Thank you!
God bless you!!