Good Men&Women of God,
Be encouraged today!
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER of PRAYER! People who are feeling discouraged and hopeless often say something like,”There’s nothing left to do but pray”. The implication is that this is their last resort- and a feeble one at that. Nothing could be further from the truth!
I created mankind with the ability to communicate with ME. Since I AM the eternal, immortal, invisible KING of the universe, this is an astonishing privilege. Even when the human race became tainted with sin through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, I did not withdraw this glorious privilege. And when I lived in your world as a flesh-and-blood man, I relied heavily on praying to My Father. I was keenly aware of how continuously I needed HIS help.
Persistent, heartfelt prayer will bless not only you but also your family,friends, church-even your country. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help you pray effectively. Find others to join you in this venture is seeking May FACE in humility and repentance. Beseech ME to heal your land. Amen Hallelujah Hallelujah
Colossians 1:16;1 Timothy 1:17; Matthew 14:23;2 Chronicles 7:14
Have an awesome amazing blessed day on PURPOSE!
God Bless You and Your Family!
Pastor Debra
Please join God's Love Apostolic Ministries
(GLAM) TONIGHT from 7 to 8 pm
Call in # 857-357-0254
Mute your phone
Thank you!
God bless you!!